Tag Archives: debugging

Source Indexing SVN Repositories is Broken

Some of us spend a fair amount of time pouring through crash dumps generated on Windows. For us, the symbol server support provided by Microsoft’s debugging engines is a godsend. However, source indexing is an even bigger boon because it … Continue reading

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The Anatomy of a Code Review

Programmers have many tools available to them for improving the quality of their code. One of my personal favorites is the code review — getting another set of eyes on my source code always challenges my assumptions, and invariably flushes … Continue reading

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The Plan and Random Points

For about six months, I managed to stick to a bi-weekly update schedule of Mondays and Fridays. However, I’ve exhausted my entire backlog of topics, as well as my todo list for things to write about. Instead of trying to … Continue reading

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Reconstructing a Corrupted Stack Crawl

For my day job, I frequently look at reports that come out of WinQual from Microsoft. These reports contain crash dumps that I can use to determine what’s going wrong with the software I’ve been working on. All in all, … Continue reading

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Sometimes, the hardest bugs to find are the ones that hide in plain sight. They’re the sort of bug where your eyes skim over the offending code and your brain continuously says “yup, fine, right, good, yup” and you can’t … Continue reading

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Generating a Minidump

Last time, I demonstrated a way to automatically generate a stack crawl to help you debug errors in your application. However, I also mentioned that stack crawls are usually not enough information by themselves. In this post, I am going … Continue reading

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Generating a Stack Crawl

When developing an application, it is sometimes useful to add logging functionality to help track down bugs. One of the tricks I like to pull out once in a while is automated bug reporting. When the application gets into an … Continue reading

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