Category Archives: Uncategorized

Small Break in the Silence

Just because I’ve not written many posts lately doesn’t mean I’ve been silent. You should go check out the Tidbits page, it currently has over 20 little juicy pieces of information about C and C++. I’ve been using it as … Continue reading

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The Anatomy of a Code Review

Programmers have many tools available to them for improving the quality of their code. One of my personal favorites is the code review — getting another set of eyes on my source code always challenges my assumptions, and invariably flushes … Continue reading

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Frustrations in Assembly

At my day job, we do a lot of complex math calculations in our frameworks. To increase performance, we have enabled the optimizer to use certain assembly instruction sets such as MMX and SSE. However, we have found that not … Continue reading

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Lovely Holiday

I had a very nice holiday season this year, and I hope you did as well. My wife and I went down to TX to visit her family, and spend time lounging in a beach house. I didn’t write any … Continue reading

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The Plan and Random Points

For about six months, I managed to stick to a bi-weekly update schedule of Mondays and Fridays. However, I’ve exhausted my entire backlog of topics, as well as my todo list for things to write about. Instead of trying to … Continue reading

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