Aaron Ballman is a Principal Compiler Engineer for Intel and is the lead maintainer of the Clang open source compiler. He has two decades of experience writing cross-platform frameworks in C/C++, compiler & language design, and software engineering best practices and is currently a voting member of the C (WG14) and C++ (WG21) standards committees.
In case you can't figure it out easily enough, the views expressed here are my personal views and not the views of my employer, my past employers, my future employers, or some random person on the street. Please yell only at me if you disagree with what you read.
Category Archives: Win32
Reconstructing a Corrupted Stack Crawl
For my day job, I frequently look at reports that come out of WinQual from Microsoft. These reports contain crash dumps that I can use to determine what’s going wrong with the software I’ve been working on. All in all, … Continue reading
Remote Thread Injection on Windows
I happened to have a legitimate case where I needed to inject a thread into another process, and in the process of solving this problem I realized there’s very little accurate information on the topic of remote thread injection available … Continue reading
Generating a Minidump
Last time, I demonstrated a way to automatically generate a stack crawl to help you debug errors in your application. However, I also mentioned that stack crawls are usually not enough information by themselves. In this post, I am going … Continue reading
Generating a Stack Crawl
When developing an application, it is sometimes useful to add logging functionality to help track down bugs. One of the tricks I like to pull out once in a while is automated bug reporting. When the application gets into an … Continue reading