Sorry about the distinct lack of content lately, but I’ve been busy putting together a new training initiative for my day job. This initiative involves sending weekly snippets of information on C and C++ to many of our developers. The content is too small to justify a full blog post in many cases, but is interesting enough to warrant discussion. As a content management system, I have decided to collate these tidbits here on Ruminations. You can find all of them here: Be sure to check back every Friday, as that’s when I’ll be posting new tidbits. If you have suggestions for tidbits you’d like to see, or want clarification on existing tidbits, feel free to leave comments on the Tidbits post.
Aaron Ballman is a Principal Compiler Engineer for Intel and is the lead maintainer of the Clang open source compiler. He has two decades of experience writing cross-platform frameworks in C/C++, compiler & language design, and software engineering best practices and is currently a voting member of the C (WG14) and C++ (WG21) standards committees.
In case you can't figure it out easily enough, the views expressed here are my personal views and not the views of my employer, my past employers, my future employers, or some random person on the street. Please yell only at me if you disagree with what you read.