Monthly Archives: February 2012

Memory Management in Frameworks

As a framework designer, you have a lot of things to worry about. Calling conventions, size compatibility, structure layout, etc. I’d like to briefly talk about another thing to worry about: memory management. I’m not just talking about “please don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Framework Design | Tagged | 1 Comment

Describing the MSVC ABI for Structure Return Types

An ABI is an “application binary interface”, which is basically a contract between pieces of executable code on how to behave. The ABI dictates things like how parameters are passed, where return values go, how to create and destroy stack … Continue reading

Posted in C/C++, Win32 | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

The Anatomy of a Code Review

Programmers have many tools available to them for improving the quality of their code. One of my personal favorites is the code review — getting another set of eyes on my source code always challenges my assumptions, and invariably flushes … Continue reading

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